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  • Immersive 5 star resorts & private villages in paradise

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    We're partners in reimagining environments

Private villages


Wellness Spas


Characterful beauty

We create properties that inspire you.  Low rise, low density, built in paradise environments 

Healthy buildings

We use healthy & natural materials & building methods to construct & furnish each development

Fully sustainable

Our developments are designed to be self sufficient for energy, water, food sources & managing their own waste.

Paradise developments

We work with governments & land owners to develop a masterplan which benefits the local community.  Investing between $50 million to $1.5 billion into each project, creating hundreds of jobs for local people, & investing in the local supply chain. 

Managed investments

We work with investors to provide a fully passive, investment opportunity.  We develop the property, we furnish it, we brand it, we manage it, we maintain it.  We take care of everything, from marketing to financial reporting.

Value uplift

Many of our developments are located in early stage economies.  This means all our investors benefit from the long term increase in value, as tourism demand grows.

Close to civilization

While each development is located in rural, paradise locations, we only choose locations that are within 90 minutes drive, from an international airport.

Partners in the process

We work with established partners to develop, maintain & manage every development.

Our foundation

Most of the worlds problems can be solved by providing access to capital, and access to opportunity.  Our profits are reinvested into the local communities to improve healthcare, education, housing, food, energy, waste, & water facilities.

Our intention is to transform the lives of the next generation.

Sustainable community:
​A framework for a better future

Download our latest book, 'Sustainable Community' written by Wayne Fox, which he talks in depth about our model of investing in local development to create a better, healthier & poverty-free society for everyone

Case studies

Interested in learning more about our future developments?

Download our investor guide